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Online learning has become the new normal across the globe. Due to the pandemic, educators and students everywhere have discovered the various facets of this form of learning. Online learning brings a plethora of positives. But how can one help their child make the most of it?

Online learning allows flexibility

With online learning, one can choose timings that best suit them. This helps to ensure that they are in the most conducive mindset to learn every time they attend a learning session. While making use of this flexibility, self-discipline is key as it might lead to the habit of procrastination with time being under our control.

Staying engaged in classes

Despite the comforts of home, it is challenging to stay dedicated to school work from home, as compared to in person classes. Understandably, home is where we can relax and be ourselves. Thus, it is important to take extra care that when children turn on their screens for learning, that they do take it seriously. Simple things like working on a desk and chair, rather than a couch or bed, ensures proper posture and concentration. It is vital that children take their online classes seriously and parents work with them so that they can do their best.

A chance to build and explore

Online learning also encourages children to go far beyond the classroom environment. This could be an opportunity for them to get acquainted with new skills as well as help them build upon their talents. Before the pandemic, children participated in after-school programs and extra-curricular activities to keep them mentally stimulated and to learn diverse things. Why should that stop now?

There are many activities like online yoga lessons, creative workshops (e.g. crafts, writing, book clubs, etc.) or aptitude building programs such as our AbacusMaster Canada program that helps with creative mental math and logic. These skills can be an asset for them in their day-to-day lives as well as, one day, in their professional careers.

The key here is to identify the areas that interest the child which your children as well as the programs that can maximize their efficiency, productivity and overall, as an individual.

Online learning is all set to gain added prominence in the years to come. Better early than late to jump on this bandwagon.

The above are just a few ways to make use of this blessing in disguise as health and safety of all of us becomes the most important. So why wait, start today!! Unlock the hidden gifts and abilities.

Stay home and be safe!!

Sharmila Suresh

Sharmila Suresh

Sharmila Suresh is the Program Director and an Abacus instructor for over 3 years. Her philosophy is to create an environment that fosters the importance of learning and a strong work ethic. She is very passionate and teaches from the heart while allowing students to discover their abilities and mould them into confident individuals.